Friday, July 19, 2013

When life leaves you high and dry...

I told Jeff this is his song. He raised his eyebrows and said, "huh?"

Clearly he doesn't know it, but this song could be his mantra. This is how I see him. And why I love him so deeply. The opening lines... "When life leaves you high and dry, I'll be at your door tonight, If you need help, If you need help."

This pretty much sums up his personality. Bingo.

For our wedding I picked out the gospel reading from John 15 and he wholeheartedly approved simply because of verse 13 "There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends "

He'll drive miles out of his way to pick up my grandma for a party. He not only loans his tools to friends and family, he's there next to them fixing or building whatever. He does the dishes. And washes floors. He took Mary, the teenager next door, out driving the other night because he wanted to give her experience and hours driving a large vehicle. He gets up with Sean in the middle of the night. And wakes up with him early so I can sleep in. During severe weather he has the weather radio on and prepares everything in case we have to head to the basement. My eagle scout.

And at the end of the day there's no place I feel safer or more loved than in his arms. I'm so so so blessed God chose him for me. My backbone. My cornerstone. The pulse that I've always needed.

Like a drum my heart never stops beating for him.

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